How To Use Chatbots In Marketing

Imagine that you are making dinner form a recepie, but instead of reading the instructions you have the chef next to you…

This is how a chatbot can work! It can add real time engagement to your customers.

There are different dishes to add a chatbot to, above are a few examples.

Each channel can simply work as a traffic source to the bot were you have a standardized flow that is general, but you can also create a more deep experience by creating unique experiences for each channel.

Why not add a lead magnet via the chatbot on your website? Or a discount code in the chatbot to your FB ads campaign? Or create a giveaway on social media and get your audience to register via the chatbot so they can get notified via the same channel?

In future posts I will share more detailed strategies how to use it for different purpose in different channels.

Let’s see this as an introduction to what is possible to get a first feeling of how to use chatbots in marketing 🤠

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