From €20K to 52K per month and 2.9 to 5.7 ROAS for lingerie fashion e-commerce store

The Business

Spanish e-commerce store selling lingerie. The business has been active for around a year and was looking to increase its revenue.


The store has had difficulties increasing the revenue while at the same time keep the profits and ROAS positive. At every attempt of scaling the ROAS had decreased, and they had been stuck at €15K – €20K per month with and average ROAS of 2.9. The store needed to find a solution to grow.



We have seen this problem multiple times and feel the frustration from entrepreneurs who aren’t able to scale their sales and seems to be “stuck”. From the very beginning we were confident on solving the issue with an effective strategy and great ads.

After implementing our retargeting strategy, the sales immediately increased together with higher ROAS. In the meantime, we improved the ads on the top of the funnel which sent high quality traffic to the store with customers who were ready to buy.

We created better images, ad copies, videos, landing page, and campaign structure inside the ad account which all added up to an improved overall performance. The sales were quickly increasing which gave the business more money to play with for further expansion.


We managed to take the sales that have been stuck at around €20,000 per month to €52,000 within the first 30 days of working with the brand. With most top-selling products sold out the business now had new problems to deal with due to the quick growth. The ROAS also increased from 2.9 to 5.7.

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